For those who missed the live stream: The Cold Stares on WUEV 91.5
Tag Archives: twokeysandagoodbook
Two Keys and a Good Book Breakdown on
International Fans! Vinyl!
INTERNATIONAL FANS. We’ve had a massive amount of messages about getting vinyl in Europe, Brazil, Australia etc. The next album WAYS will hopefully have international distribution, but we’ve figured out that the cheapest way to ship vinyl and cd’s globally is by using Ebays global shipping program. If you have been wanting a Vinyl or CD of “Mountain” here’s an opportunity to grab an autographed version with a low shipping charge of $5.00. Links to the Vinyl and CD’s are below. Thank you all very much across the pond-
The Cold Stares – “Mountain” on Vinyl – shipped worldwide!
The Cold Stares – “Mountain” Autographed CD – shipped worldwide!
“Two Keys and a Good Book” is released today.
Hey folks! Our latest single to digital music “Two Keys and a Good Book” is released today. Please help us out by adding it to your libraries and giving it some streams. We are hopeful to catch a playlist or two on the online platforms, and really feel the song might have some legs. Please share with your friends, we hope you love the new version! Two Keys and a Good Book by The Cold Stares