For those who missed the live stream: The Cold Stares on WUEV 91.5
Tag Archives: sleepingwithlions
Sleeping with Lions Breakdown on
International Fans! Vinyl!
INTERNATIONAL FANS. We’ve had a massive amount of messages about getting vinyl in Europe, Brazil, Australia etc. The next album WAYS will hopefully have international distribution, but we’ve figured out that the cheapest way to ship vinyl and cd’s globally is by using Ebays global shipping program. If you have been wanting a Vinyl or CD of “Mountain” here’s an opportunity to grab an autographed version with a low shipping charge of $5.00. Links to the Vinyl and CD’s are below. Thank you all very much across the pond-
The Cold Stares – “Mountain” on Vinyl – shipped worldwide!
The Cold Stares – “Mountain” Autographed CD – shipped worldwide!
Announcement! $1000 Charity Giveaway!
Announcement! $1000.00 Charity Giveaway!
“Sleeping With Lions” goes to national radio!
When we released “Sleeping With Lions” in October we had hoped it would do well based off the TNT Animal Kingdom licensing that we had secured with the song. We had no idea of the impact it would make for us in playlists, further licensing with X-Games, ESPN and Monster Energy. We continue to get messages each day from independent DJ’s literally from around the world that have added SWL to their rotations. Because of all of this, we have decided to throw everything we have at it and do a proper radio campaign. Starting March 1st we have hired a company that will help us get “Sleeping With Lions” on more radio stations with the hopeful intent of getting it to break top 20 Active/Mainstream Rock Charts.
What can you do to help?
If you have a radio station that plays rock in your area please contact them and request that “Sleeping With Lions” be added to their rotation. We’ve even made it easy by creating a link to download the track directly below.
If you get a station to pick it up, please comment below that station name and area.
If Sleeping With Lions cracks that top 20, we are going to randomly choose one of the radio stations that is spinning it and make a $1000.00 donation to a charity of their choice in their area, in their name.
This process has been 100% grassroots to this point, but we feel that the amount of success with “Sleeping With Lions” really requires us to get the machine behind it. It truly has been career changing for us and thank each one of you who has added it to your libraries and shared it with your friends.
Thank you to WKTG, and WUEV for being at the very beginning and playing it out of the gate. Found out today the song has been picked up by Hard Rock Cafe globally as well, so thank you to our friends at Hard Rock. Now the hard work begins….